ATTD – Lilly Insulin Centennial Award

ATTD – Lilly Insulin Centennial Award

We recognize the value and importance of continued innovation in diabetes.

In recognition of the centennial insulin anniversary, ATTD will reward a practice/innovative way of managing diabetes with a prize supported by Eli Lilly.

Send in your nomination by 20th April 2022 to the following email:

The burden of diabetes and the need for modernised treatment

There is a very high burden of diabetes in Europe, which keeps growing and despite the remarkable progress, diabetes is still on the rise and health outcomes for PwD have not improved.

  • Today, 61 million people live with diabetes in Europe. The number of PwD is expected to rise to 69 million by 2045, which means that, by then, 1 in 10 Europeans could be living with diabetes(1).
  • 75% of these costs are related to diabetes complications that are preventable with proper treatment(2). Out of the total diabetes costs in the Big EU 5 in 2012, the percentage spent on insulin and anti-diabetic medicines ranged between 6% and 11%(3).
  • Every 6 seconds, a PwD dies because of a diabetes-related complication(4).
  • Only 50% of PwD reach the appropriate blood sugar levels for the condition (HBA1C <7.0%).

Reasons for outcomes non improving are strong conservatism, clinical inertia and treat -to fail paradigm.

Overcoming Clinical Inertia

  • According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) consensus algorithm(5-6), 30–60% of people with type 2 diabetes would qualify for more effective treatment(7). However, in clinical reality, the percentage of PwD receiving more effective treatment remains very low, ranging between 1% and 10%(8).
  • Inertia for HCP is the recurring failure to establish appropriate targets and escalate treatment to achieve treatment goals (9), but also the behaviour to not setting clear goals or insufficient focus on goal attainment (10,11), or inadequate time/personnel to teach injectable therapy(10,11).

We need to modernize diabetes care.

The Prize

In recognition of outstanding activities to Overcome Inertia, Lilly is contributing $10,000 Euros to the winner of the ATTD-Lilly Insulin Centennial Award.

Criteria for Application:

Eligible for nomination are HCPs that have contributed to one or more of the following areas of diabetes care:

  • Innovative ways of managing diabetes aiming at early, tight, and safe glycemic and metabolic control
  • A major contribution to prevention, care and quality of life of people with diabetes
  • Early adoption of novel effective treatment tools, medicines, and schemes
  • Leveraging on data registries to promote timely outcome improvements
  • Promoting outcome-driven integration of diabetes care
  • Leveraging on People with Diabetes self-empowerment and quality of life

Nominations for the award should include a signed Nomination letter describing the contributions of the nominated awardee, preferably with some most important references proving these contributions, and a CV.

Send in your nomination by 20th April 2022 to the following email:

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